Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Homework 1/9/13

Homework for 1/9/13

Math: You have a worksheet on solving one-step algebraic equations. Some tips:

+ undo -
- undo +
x undo division
division undo x

Remember, you must do the same thing to each side!

Here is a site if you are stuck:

Good luck, and comment with any questions!

Ms. P
Welcome, class!

This is the blog for my 7th/8th grade class! I am looking forward to assisting with homework, projects, and discussing class topics on this platform.

First, some guidelines.

1. Comment with you first name, last initial. For examle, Bob A. This way, you can get credit for your work!

2. Comment at least 3 times a week. Extra comments= extra credit! This is graded!

3. A letter went home explaining the site. Please encourage your parents, grandparents, etc. to check the site out and see what we are working on!

For your first assignment, please comment with ONE THING you hope to see on our blog OR one way the blog could help you.

Happy learning,

Ms. P